SheZow Wiki
schmooey Gooey
Schmooey Gooey
Name schmooey Gooey
Introduced in S.I.C.K. Day

Schmooey Gooey is a cereal brand featured in the show SheZow. It is one of the gang's favorite cereal as it's features to be used as a small pool, AND a Sidekick costume in the episode S.I.C.K Day .


Schmooey Gooey appears to take, like most cereals; a rectangular, long shape. Given it's bright, baby blue box, and the fun-filled design on the box. Showing a yellow, somewhat golden explosion on the left, bottom corner of the box. And a large, popping red and yellow font on the top, center of the logo, reading off; Schmooey Gooey.
